The 12 Step list contains the AA members who have volunteered to have their names and phone numbers listed for 12 Step calls. We are often referred to as “12 Steppers”.
A 12 Step call is initiated when someone contacts the AA help line needing to talk to someone about AA, and/or who would like to speak with someone about AA solutions.
When you are on the list, a telemonitoring person may call you and provide you with the name and phone number of someone in need. 12 Steppers then call the person and provide support.
Support can include:
- Providing information regarding meetings in the callers’ geographic area,
- Talking with the caller about AA which may include a short or long conversation,
- Possibly meeting the person for a coffee, accompanying them to a meeting or even visiting them at a home. (always with another AA friend, meeting one-to-one is discouraged).
Requirements for inclusion on the 12 Step list are:
- Being a member of AA,
- Being available to speak with someone in need on a telephone or cell phone,
- It is recommended that 12 Steppers have a minimum of one year of sobriety,
- An understanding of the 12 steps and/or having completed the 12 steps,
- An understanding of how group meetings are held and how newcomers may become part of a group meeting,
- Awareness of resources available to newcomers, including meetings in the callers area and potential social service options.
Other items:
- The list is only distributed to those providing telemonitoring support.
- The list is used by phone monitors when a caller needs to talk with another alcoholic.
- As a 12 Stepper, you will be made available based on your chosen times and what parts of the city you are willing to travel to.
- Anonymity is important.
- A car is helpful but not necessary.
These are people willing to take calls between 11:00 at night and 8:30 in the morning. Their phone numbers are given to the answering service who forwards calls, on rotation, directly to them during that time. It usually involves only talking & listening, and occasionally getting someone on the 12 Step list to call them back the next day.
Submit this application online or download and return this application form to Central Service Office or to your Intergroup Representative. Once you are on the list, any changes you want to make can be done with this form or can be requested through contacting our central office via the contact information at the top of this page.
* Never go on a 12 Step visit on your own. Always bring another AA friend with you.
Fields marked with an * are required
Note: By providing this information you authorize the use of your name and contact information for the AA Calgary 12 step program